Sports Performance Testing

N1 Performance Assessment!

If you’re not measuring you’re guessing. See where you stand and book your performance assessment today. Whether you are new to N1 Motion or looking to re-evaluate your progress, our performance assessment gives athletes the opportunity to evaluate and quantify their performance so they know where they stand.


In order to be an elite athlete you have to develop speed, agility, quickness, strength, power, and endurance. Our N1 Performance assessment is designed to measure these key  athletic performance qualities in athletes from all sports 8 – 18 years old, so they know where they stand. If you are not measuring, you are guessing!

By acquiring advanced performance metrics, athletes, coaches, and parents can evaluate an individual’s performance and athleticism to target specific areas of strength and areas to improve, in order to perform better in sports. 


Organizations like the  NFL, NBA, NHL,  MLB, and NCAA place a high priority on performance analytics to recruit top talent and gain the competitive advantage by frequently evaluating the performance of their athletes to make better decisions that make a profound impact on the outcome of the game.

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Specific Measurements


Explosive acceleration is critical to gaining the competitive edge in most sports. This test evaluates an athletes speed and ability to produce horizontal force when sprinting.

5-10-5 Agility

The best athletes can start and stop faster than the rest of the pack. The 5-10-5 pro-agility test measures the athletes ability to stop on a dime and change direction.

Vertical Jump

This test measures vertical power of an athlete. Generating great force in  a small amount of time is the key metric in this drill using our optojump system.

Broad Jump

This test evaluates an athletes horizontal force and power output. This test closely correlates to the 20yd sprint test in evaluating an athletes performance.


Decision making plays a major role in sports performance. This test evaluates the cognitive ability of an athlete to quantify their ability to make decisions and respond accordingly.

Other Measurements

Movement Evaluation – Assessing movement compensation patterns. Identifying potential risk factors for future injury. 

Core Test – evaluating core strength, endurance, and stability 

Other Test – Depending on the athletes sport or specific goals, we may include other metrics to measure success. 




Our performance specialist will sit down with the athlete and gaurdian to discuss metrics to explain what they mean and set goals to improve their personal scores. The assessment results will also be uploaded to the athlete’s profile for future reference. The data received should be used as feedback to guide future training to enhance performance in the athletes sport so they can reach their goals faster while staying motivated. We recommned doing a performance every 4-6 months to track progress over time.


OptojumpIt is an innovative system of analysis and measurement that brings a new philosophy of assessment and optimisation of performance to the world of competitive sport: it is designed for the development of a specific and customized training programme for the athlete, based exclusively on precise objective data.

Witty Gate TimerIntegrated transmission system, which has a range of 150 meters, the photocells are highly reliable. Redundant radio transmission ensures that data acquired is transmitted to the timer with the maximum precision +/- 0.4 thousandths of a second even if the signal is disturbed

Witty SEMThis LED system uses basic basic concept of neuroplasticity, recently introduced in neuroscience, which indicates capacity of the brain and the entire nervous system to change “plasticity” and optimize its structure at any age, in response to  a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.


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